Evaluation of the performance of the Global Positioning System (GPS) and INS / GPS on an established trajectory
Global Positioning System (GPS), Navigation System, Inertial System, Autonomous Vehicle, Pixhawk, Track AccuracyAbstract
The analysis of the accuracy of the Global Positioning System (GPS) versus DQ hybrid positioning system GPS and Inertial of Navigation. System (INS) allows determining which them offers greater accuracy in following an established path a GPS Module, inertial sensors and the Pixhawk controller card uses Kalman filter as a coupling method between GPS and INS, a telemetry system for data transmission and a decoder for the remote control. The test scenarios consist of two paths executed at 12:00 and 20:00 due to the atmospheric conditions present at different times of the day. It is confirmed that the GPS / INS system had an accuracy greater than GPS up to 73.6% on average of the two scenarios during the which day, while at night it increases the precision of up to 17.5%, this means that the implemented system has as a correction of errors produced due to ionization of the ionosphere, being the main attenuation factor of the GPS signal in the communication channel.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Carmen Bastidas, Marco Lema, Freddy Chávez, Fausto Cabrera Aguayo, Diego Ñacato

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