Evaluation of the performance of manufactured High Frequency Devices versus those commercially available and empowerment of the Microwave Laboratory for Mmwave
High Frequency, Power, Microstrip, Vector Networks, SubstrateAbstract
Power dividers, frequency multipliers and logarithmic antennas were implemented in the X and Ku bands, with which the comparison between the implemented equipment versus the manufacturer's was carried out. For the elaboration of the devices, the microstrip technology design methodology was used, using the Ansoft Dessigner software, and for the implementation, two different substrates were used, which are FR4 and Roger RT Duroid 5880. In addition, a vector network analyzer was used to obtain the transmission and reflection results, while, to obtain applicative results, a signal generator and a spectrum analyzer are used. The devices implemented with Roger substrate presented better performance when compared to those of the manufacturer, however, the FR4 substrate does not have favorable characteristics.
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