Performance of free replication tools for the implementation of an integrated high availability system oriented to the management of academic tutoring in Higher Education Institutions


  • Diego Bernardo Palacios Campana Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
  • Gonzalo Allauca Peñafiel Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
  • Danny Velasco Silva Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
  • Estuardo Cajilema Guamán Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
  • Rubén Saltos Chávez Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo



Replication, Slony, PgPool, PrimeFaces, PostgreSQL


A comparative analysis of the Slony-I and PgPool-II data replication tools was carried out, to select the best alternative in the implementation of an integrated system of high availability for the management of academic tutoring in Higher Education Institutions, established as Study parameters the response time against the execution of SQL statements, the use of CPU, memory, and hard disk. An N-Layers web application was developed using PrimeFaces and PostgreSQL, integrated into an Academic System through SOAP web services. To carry out the tests, master and slave database servers were configured under a Linux environment. The performance tests were based on the Apache JMeter tool, simulating 282 requests per second in an instant of time, observing that PgPool-II consumed less resources with an average of 2.80%, however, Slony-I was more effective at carry out transactions with just 0.009% error.



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How to Cite

D. B. Palacios Campana, G. Allauca Peñafiel, D. Velasco Silva, E. Cajilema Guamán, and R. Saltos Chávez, “Performance of free replication tools for the implementation of an integrated high availability system oriented to the management of academic tutoring in Higher Education Institutions: Array”, Perspectivas, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 2–6, Jul. 2020.



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