3D indoor Propagation Simulator using Ray Tracing for 10-20 GHz frequency Band on GPU with NVIDIA-Optix under Unity graphic Engine


  • Mario Paguay Alvarado Docente
  • Jefferson Ribadeneira
  • Kevin Israel Freire Lema
  • Ana Logroño




Indoor Propagation Simulator, Ray Tracing, GPU, Nvidia OPTIX, Unity


In this paper a novel Ray Tracing 3D indoor propagation simulator at frequencies of 10-20 GHz using GPU is presented. To carry out the simulation, software tools as Nvidia CUDA 10.0, CMake 3.19.4, Nvidia OPTIX 6.5, Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 and Unity 2018.4.21f1 was used. Two indoor with line-of-sight (LOS) scenarios were defined within the Faculty of Informatics and Electronics al the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH), one in the Microwave Laboratory, with minimum and maximum distances between Transmitter and Receiver of 0.34m (far field) and 7m, respectively; and the second stage is located in the hall on the ground floor of the FIE building with minimum and maximum distances of 6 and 12m, respectively. In those scenarios, both, real and simulated measurements were made with frequency hops of 1GHz. For the simulation, a ray tracing propagation technique under GPU using NVIDEA-Optix was used. By comparing simulated and measurement power, it was observed a difference of 10 dB approximately.



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How to Cite

M. Paguay Alvarado, J. . Ribadeneira, K. I. Freire Lema, and A. Logroño, “3D indoor Propagation Simulator using Ray Tracing for 10-20 GHz frequency Band on GPU with NVIDIA-Optix under Unity graphic Engine”, Perspectivas, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 49–56, Aug. 2023.



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